This first one is from Janna - I just LOVE Janna's work and was honored that she sent me this Kreativ Blogger award - you MUST check out her blog - it's absolutely AMAZING!!!! Thank you, Janna - you are SO sweet!!!
This next one is from my dear, dear friend Vicki - thank you, Vicki!!! Here is the translation for this award - "Translating the words on the above award from Portuguese to English: "This blog award invests and believes in proximity - (creating friendships)!" [meaning, that blogging makes us 'close' -being close through proxy]. These are the other words to be included with the award:These blogs are exceedingly charming. These bloggers aim to find and be friends. They are not interested in prizes or self-aggrandizement. Our hope is that when the ribbon of these awards are cut, even more friendships are propagated. Please give more attention to these bloggers!" Isn't that awesome!? Vicki and I got the chance to meet at CHA this past summer and hit it off immediately - and the more we chat - the more we realize just how much we have in common - it's amazing really!! Vicki is awesome and I am SO glad to be able to call her my friend!
So in the spirit of these awards - I am giving them both to my best friend Jennifer - I am SO excited that she finally got her blog up and running - she's so talented and an amazing friend - be sure to check her blog out - she ROCKS!!!!!
So in the spirit of these awards - I am giving them both to my best friend Jennifer - I am SO excited that she finally got her blog up and running - she's so talented and an amazing friend - be sure to check her blog out - she ROCKS!!!!!
Let's see - some other exciting news - you may have noticed a new little button on my blog sidebar - I am gonna be a Guest Designer for My Favorite Things for the month of December!!! YAY!!! I was SO excited and SO incredibly honored when Kim asked me to join her crew for the month of December!! It also means I've got LOTS and LOTS of exciting things to share with you next week - can you believe it's almost time for yet another release week for Hanna and MFT? Crazy, huh? Time is just flying by!! Thanks so much for stopping by - for those of you starting your Thanksgiving travels a day early - have a safe journey!! I will be back tomorrow with some Thanksgiving wishes!