Oh - and did you see in my post title about a trip to the ER??? Yes - I spent 3 hours last night in an ER with my boys - keep in mind they are 6 years and 3 years old. It all started late yesterday afternoon when Calvin (my 3 year old) fessed up that Andrew (my 6 year old) had a sticker stuck in his ear!! Yikes!! How did the sticker get in his ear, you ask? Well - that story may actually never be known - their story about how they got the sticker stuck in his ear has changed about 10 times since last night - boys, huh? So anywho - I had to call the nurse help line at our pediatrician's office since it was after hours and she proceeded to tell me that we were gonna have to go to the ER because the sticker had to come out. Keep in mind this is a small sticker - about 1/4 inch big or so - I couldn't even see it with a flashlight which meant it was way down in his ear canal at this point. So about 6:00 last night - and since my husband was on a flight home from Boston - I had to pack 2 small kids into the van and head down to the local ER. Thank goodness there wasn't hardly a wait at all - we got right back and checked in with no problem - but once they started working on his ear - it took 2 doctors over an hour to get the darn sticker out!!! They tried everything - irrigation, tweezers, suction - it was quite the stubborn little sticker. Andrew was SUCH a trooper though - he was very brave and let them work on his without a single complaint. At some point - the word got out about the little boy in the ER with a sticker in his ear - we had firemen bringing my boys firehats, nurses with goodies bags - I kept telling them they weren't helping my case about NOT putting things in their ears - LOL! But they did get the sticker out - and needless to say - his ear is pretty sore from all the things they stuck in his little ear trying to get the sticker out. We were home by 9:00 last night and everyone went straight to bed - we were pooped!! Andrew is doing MUCH better this morning - the Dr. gave us some drops for his ear to use over the next couple of days. And the moral of the story?? Well - apparently - little boys will stick ANYTHING in their ears or noses - that should seriously be in a little boy instruction manual somewhere, right?? LOL!! Thanks so much for stopping by - hope everyone has a wonderful New Year's Eve and if you are heading out tonight - please be safe!!
First off Candice, your card is fabulous!!
Second, I'm so glad both your little guys are alright after the ER excitement. If it is any comfort my little girl tries to stick things in her ear too! Yesterday it was play-doh but thankfully I caught her before she could really get it in there.
Awwww...he's adorable!! You know that you are just tempting me with these new sets that I can't get my hands on, don't you?? LOL
This card is fantastic, Candice! I love every detail!
I'm glad everyone survived the ER ordeal -- I hope his ear is feeling better!!
This is the cutest card Candice! Sorry about you ER trauma but glad that little sticker came out. The story made me chuckle a bit though. I once went to the Dr. thinking I had the end of a Q-tip stuck in my ear (Yeah, I know you're not supposed to do that but hey, how do you clean out the wax?) only to find out it was my imagination. Happy New Year!
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